CBR 650R C
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CBR 650R CRASH GUARD Protection in Case of a Fall: The primary benefit of a crash guard is to protect the bike

CBR 650R CRASH GUARD Protection in Case of a Fall: The primary benefit of a crash guard is to protect the bike’s vital components like the engine, frame, and bodywork in the event of a low-speed fall or crash. It acts as a buffer between the ground and the motorcycle. Reduced Repair Costs: By absorbing some of the impact during a fall, a crash guard can prevent damage to expensive components (like the fairings, engine, or exhaust), potentially saving you a lot in repairs. Improved Rider Safety: Some crash guards can help deflect the bike away from the rider during a fall, reducing the chances of getting pinned under the motorcycle. Durability: Made from strong materials like steel or aluminum, crash guards are built to withstand significant impact and maintain the integrity of your bike. Aesthetic Appeal: Some riders also appreciate the rugged, sporty look that crash guards add to their motorcycles, enhancing the overall appearance. Additional Utility: Some crash guards come with added functionality, like mounting points for additional accessories (e.g., highway pegs) or as part of a larger touring setup. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your bike has extra protection can give you more confidence on the road, especially when maneuvering in tight spaces or on less-than-perfect surfaces.

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